
Other Placements

Use until discomfort is relieved


Acupuncture Points

Place the patches on any of these suggested acupuncture points to feel relief.

Stomach 25

Place a patch on Stomach 25 of each side of the belly.

3 finger-widths to the left and to the right of your belly button.

Urinary Bladder 25

Place a patch on Urinary Bladder 25 of each side of the back.

On the back, 1.5 fingers lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra.

Triple Heater 6

3 fingers above the dorsal wrist crease between the radius and ulna, close to the radial bone.

Stomach 44

On the dorsum of the foot, proximal to the web margin between the second and third metatarsal toes, at the junction of the red and white skin.