Congratulations on completing the 6-week rebalancing protocol with Taopatch!
Your body has undergone a detox and has now adjusted to the Taopatch.
It's important to remember to continue wearing the patches on the two rebalancing points at all times, regardless of any other protocols you may be using.
Check out our other protocols here to see what may be of benefit to you.
MS and Other Neurological Disorders
Program Material
How To Use Your Taopatch
How To Use Your Taopatch
Welcome and congratulations on taking the first step to improving your balance, movement, pain, and more.
First, activate your 90-day money-back guarantee by attending our live onboarding webinar where we will talk about:
• How to correctly use Taopatch
• How to clean and store your Taopatch
• The best protocol to use and where to place your patches for maximum effect
• Tests to do before starting so you can be 100% sure that Taopatch is working
• The importance of drinking the recommended amount of water while wearing the patches
Here is a video showing the tests we discussed during the webinar doing:
Tests for Neurological Disorders
Remember To Track Your Progress
To track your progress, we suggest that you create a video diary of yourself performing the recommended tests.
Record yourself before you start wearing the patches and once or twice every week after. This will help you see improvements in your posture and movements more clearly. We have included snippets of our customer's journey as they document it themselves. You can find these comparisons linked here:
Customer Progress Comparisons
Here is a video showing the tests we discussed during the webinar doing:
Customer Interviews
If you have any questions or concerns about our programs, please feel free to take full advantage of the free assistance available from our Customer Care Team. Book a 1-1 Zoom session with a member of our Care Team here or send us an email at
Week 1. Where To Place Your Patches
Week 1.1. Rebalance Protocol
1. Before putting on the patches, perform some baseline tests.
These tests are shown in the Tests for Neurological Disorders video:
• Romberg test
• Range of motion test
• Tandem gait
• Leg raise
2. Place two patches on the rebalance points:
The first patch goes on your sternum, either on the tip of your sternum or 3 finger-widths below your clavicle bones.
The second patch goes on your spine, under C7 or on the small of your back where your spine is most curved in.
3. Increase your water intake to the recommended 2.5 liters (85 ounces) of water. Avoid any beverages that contain caffeine which is a diuretic making your body get rid of water instead of staying hydrated.
4. For the next seven days, you need to wear the patches for four hours per day. It's important to follow this schedule to allow your body to get used to the patches slowly. Make sure you wear the patches during the hours you are awake.
Here are photos of the options on where you can place the 2 patches.
Chest Placement:
Spine Placement: C7 or lower back
Week 1.2. Pyramid Protocol
This protocol is for those who have ordered 2 boxes. Please add the Pyramid Protocol on top of the Rebalance Protocol.
1. For 45 mins everyday or atleast once a week, place the 1st patch on the topmost part of the head.
2. Place the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th patch on the 4 corners of an imaginary square around this patch.
The patches needs to be around 1 thumb length away from the central patch.
You can attach the patches on a surgical mask by using the adhesives to tape them on the mask. Afterwards, apply the mask on your cranium by wearing the straps around your ears. Alternatively, you can also place patches on a cap and wear the cap on your head to secure the patches.
Here are photos of the options on where you can place the 5 patches.
Head Placement: Governor Vessel 20 also known as DU20
Other than strengthening your neurological connections, the protocol also helps you with concentration, and level of clarity.
1. Apply Taopatch right where you feel discomfort or pain on your muscular structure.
2. Apply Taopatch on one of the main proprioceptors:
2.1. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
2.2. The external edge of your eyes
2.3. At the center of the sole of your foot
Week 2. Increasing to 8 hours/day
Week 2. Increasing to 8 hours/day
Today, you need to begin using the Taopatch for 8 hours each day over the next 7 days. If you experience any feelings of overwhelm, be sure to increase your water intake.
Remember, it's important for you to record yourself doing the tests.
If you're experiencing pain anywhere on your body, you can place the third Taopatch on that area by putting the patch on the point that is most tender or painful to press on.
We will check in with you again in a week to remind you to wear the Taopatch for 12 hours a day.
For now, please answer the following follow-up questions:
How are you feeling today, one week into your Taopatch journey?
Have you noticed any differences in your body since you began using the Taopatch?
Let us know by sending us an email at
Week 3. Increasing to 12 hours/day
Week 3. Increasing to 12 hours/day
As you enter Week 3 of your Taopatch journey, it's important to take stock of how you're feeling today. Have you noticed any changes in your body since you began using the Taopatch?
Here are two important tasks for you to focus on:
1. You will be increasing your Taopatch usage to 12 hours per day over the next week. If you start to feel overwhelmed, remember to drink plenty of water.
2. Make sure to record your progress on video by completing the following tests: Tandem gait and leg raises. You can refer back to the video from Week 1 for a refresher.
We will be checking in with you again in a week to remind you to wear the patches 24/7.
For now, please let us know how you're feeling and any changes you've experienced since starting your Taopatch journey by sending us an email at
Stay focused and committed to your health goals.
Week 4. Increasing to 24 hours/day
Week 4. Increasing to 24 hours/day
Congratulations on reaching Week 4 of your Taopatch journey!
Today marks an exciting milestone as you can now wear your Taopatch 24/7.
How are you feeling? Have you noticed any changes in your body? Let us know in the questions below. If you're not seeing any differences in your tests, don't hesitate to reach out to us for help.
Over the next two weeks, it's important to continue wearing the Taopatch around the clock to let your body fully adjust and rebalance.
Be in touch in two weeks to wrap up your rebalancing protocol and explore how else Taopatch can assist you.
Do you have any questions or concerns?
Please don't hesitate to reach out to us anytime at We're here to support you every step of the way.
Week 6. What's next?
Week 6. What's next?
MS and Other Neurological Disorders
Program Material
Welcome and congratulations on taking the first step to improving your balance, movement, pain, and more.
First, activate your 90-day money-back guarantee by attending our live onboarding webinar where we will talk about:
• How to correctly use Taopatch
• How to clean and store your Taopatch
• The best protocol to use and where to place your patches for maximum effect
• Tests to do before starting so you can be 100% sure that Taopatch is working
• The importance of drinking the recommended amount of water while wearing the patches
Book How To Use Your Taopatch Webinar
Here is a video showing the tests we discussed during the webinar doing:
Tests for Neurological Disorders
To track your progress, we suggest that you create a video diary of yourself performing the recommended tests.
Record yourself before you start wearing the patches and once or twice every week after. This will help you see improvements in your posture and movements more clearly. We have included snippets of our customer's journey as they document it themselves. You can find these comparisons linked here:
Customer Progress Comparisons
Some of our customers have also shared their experiences with us through interviews to help others understand how Taopatch may affect their lives. You can find these interviews linked here:
Customer Interviews
If you have any questions or concerns about our programs, please feel free to take full advantage of the free assistance available from our Customer Care Team. Book a 1-1 Zoom session with a member of our Care Team here or send us an email at
These tests are shown in the Tests for Neurological Disorders video:
• Romberg test
• Range of motion test
• Tandem gait
• Leg raise
The first patch goes on your sternum, either on the tip of your sternum or 3 finger-widths below your clavicle bones.
The second patch goes on your spine, under C7 or on the small of your back where your spine is most curved in.
Avoid any beverages that contain caffeine which is a diuretic making your body get rid of water instead of staying hydrated.
It's important to follow this schedule to allow your body to get used to the patches slowly. Make sure you wear the patches during the hours you are awake.
Here are photos of the options on where you can place the 2 patches.
Chest Placement:

Spine Placement: C7 or lower back

This protocol is for those who have ordered 2 boxes. Please add the Pyramid Protocol on top of the Rebalance Protocol.
The patches needs to be around 1 thumb length away from the central patch.
You can attach the patches on a surgical mask by using the adhesives to tape them on the mask. Afterwards, apply the mask on your cranium by wearing the straps around your ears. Alternatively, you can also place patches on a cap and wear the cap on your head to secure the patches.
Here are photos of the options on where you can place the 5 patches.
Head Placement: Governor Vessel 20 also known as DU20

Other than strengthening your neurological connections, the protocol also helps you with concentration, and level of clarity.
1. Apply Taopatch right where you feel discomfort or pain on your muscular structure.
2. Apply Taopatch on one of the main proprioceptors:
2.1. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
2.2. The external edge of your eyes
2.3. At the center of the sole of your foot
Today, you need to begin using the Taopatch for 8 hours each day over the next 7 days. If you experience any feelings of overwhelm, be sure to increase your water intake.
Remember, it's important for you to record yourself doing the tests.
If you're experiencing pain anywhere on your body, you can place the third Taopatch on that area by putting the patch on the point that is most tender or painful to press on.
We will check in with you again in a week to remind you to wear the Taopatch for 12 hours a day.
For now, please answer the following follow-up questions:
How are you feeling today, one week into your Taopatch journey?
Have you noticed any differences in your body since you began using the Taopatch?
Let us know by sending us an email at
As you enter Week 3 of your Taopatch journey, it's important to take stock of how you're feeling today. Have you noticed any changes in your body since you began using the Taopatch?
Here are two important tasks for you to focus on:
1. You will be increasing your Taopatch usage to 12 hours per day over the next week. If you start to feel overwhelmed, remember to drink plenty of water.
2. Make sure to record your progress on video by completing the following tests: Tandem gait and leg raises. You can refer back to the video from Week 1 for a refresher.
We will be checking in with you again in a week to remind you to wear the patches 24/7.
For now, please let us know how you're feeling and any changes you've experienced since starting your Taopatch journey by sending us an email at
Stay focused and committed to your health goals.
Congratulations on reaching Week 4 of your Taopatch journey!
Today marks an exciting milestone as you can now wear your Taopatch 24/7.
How are you feeling? Have you noticed any changes in your body? Let us know in the questions below. If you're not seeing any differences in your tests, don't hesitate to reach out to us for help.
Over the next two weeks, it's important to continue wearing the Taopatch around the clock to let your body fully adjust and rebalance.
Be in touch in two weeks to wrap up your rebalancing protocol and explore how else Taopatch can assist you.
Do you have any questions or concerns?
Please don't hesitate to reach out to us anytime at We're here to support you every step of the way.
Congratulations on completing the 6-week rebalancing protocol with Taopatch!
Your body has undergone a detox and has now adjusted to the Taopatch.
It's important to remember to continue wearing the patches on the two rebalancing points at all times, regardless of any other protocols you may be using.
Check out our other protocols here to see what may be of benefit to you.